Awarded schools

Across the UK

Home > The Rights Respecting Schools Award > Awarded schools across the UK

Nearly 5,000 schools across the UK are currently involved in the Rights Respecting Schools Award, and of those over 2,000 schools have been granted a Silver: Rights Aware and a Gold: Rights Respecting accreditation by UNICEF UK since 2006.

These include primary schools, secondary schools, nursery schools, further education, schools for children with special needs and pupil referrals units in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Our community is growing day-by-day and we are now reaching over 1.6 million children and young people in the UK. Find out about how to get started with your journey and join the thousands of schools working to put children’s rights at the heart of what they do.

Since the initiative started in 2006, we have granted thousands of schools with Silver: Rights Aware and a Gold: Rights Respecting accreditations. Here are the current numbers:

Rights Respecting Awarded Schools

The Silver: Rights Aware accreditation is granted to schools that show good progress towards embedding child rights in their school.

The Gold: Rights Respecting accreditation, the highest stage of the RRSA, is given to schools that have fully embedded the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in their practice and ethos. The Award is granted by UNICEF UK following a thorough accreditation process.

The Awards are valid for three years, after which time schools must be reaccredited.

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