Forms and Guides

Silver: Rights Aware

Here are the forms and guides you will need to work towards Silver: Rights Aware.

Please read our step-by-step guidance for more information on what you need to do to achieve your Silver: Rights Aware accreditation.

If you have any queries, or would like further advice and support, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the RRSA Team at [email protected] or your regional Professional Adviser.

School Evaluation: Silver

The School Evaluation: Silver is used to evidence a school’s progress towards meeting the outcomes for the Silver: Rights Aware accreditation. Schools need to complete the form when they feel ready for their Silver accreditation visit.

Silver checklist

This checklist gives a succinct overview of what a school must do to achieve Silver: Rights Aware, the second stage of the Award.

The Strands and Outcomes of the Award

For a school to achieve the Silver: Rights Aware accreditation, it must have evidence that it has reached the three strands of a Rights Respecting School at Silver. A school uses these strands and other guidance provided to plan and monitor progress.

Measure your progress

You might find it useful to carry out pupil and staff questionnaires so that you have an overview of their current knowledge and understanding of children’s rights and how your work on rights is starting to have an impact in school. We ask that all schools in Scotland complete this process. Please transfer the data to the RRSA Questionnaire Findings Form and upload this with your Silver documentation.


Printable Questionnaire Formats

The school questionnaire guidance includes links to digital formats of the questionnaires.

Silver Virtual Accreditation Request Form

Please complete and send this form to your Professional Adviser when you wish to take your Silver Accreditation.

Accreditation visit programme

The accreditation visit programme template provides a suggested programme for the accreditation visit by a UNICEF UK assessor(s). Read all about the Silver: Rights Aware accreditation process here.

Your evidence pack

The purpose of the evidence pack is to give us a feel for your school and show us some of what we would usually see if we were physically visiting your school and viewing your physical evidence file.

We have produced the guidance below and a template evidence pack to help you bring your evidence together.

  • Please be selective – you do not need to send us everything as most of the accreditation process and subsequent report is based on what you, your colleagues and your pupils tell us during the virtual visit.
  • Provide the evidence in a single PowerPoint deck (or similar presentation tool) with sections for Strand A, B, C.
  • Have a contents page slide for each strand. In your PowerPoint deck (or similar presentation) please aim to include a maximum of 2 or 3 pieces of evidence for each outcome (there are 9 outcomes of the award) with a maximum of 30 slides in total.
  • Feel free to include hyperlinks to useful information on your website.
  • The evidence should be linked to what you write in your evaluation form so we can cross reference.
  • Please ensure we can see the detail on photographs of displays and ensure you are following your child protection policies when sharing photographs and videos.
  • We need to receive the evidence at least two weeks before the accreditation visit and earlier if possible.
  • Do involve the pupils in your steering group to help create the evidence presentation if you can.
  • Quotes from parents are useful as we often don’t get a chance to speak to them at the virtual visit.
  • Short video clips or voice overs are welcome.
  • Examples of children’s work on rights are useful and can be photographed and added to the evidence presentation.

We will delete all materials sent after the accreditation report is completed.

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Silver: Rights Aware

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