Press releases
Children to ‘take over’ business, government and entertainment on World Children’s Day
24 October 2017 – In a month’s time, children from around the world will be taking over key roles in media, politics, business, sport and entertainment to voice their support for millions of their peers who are unschooled, unprotected and uprooted, UNICEF said today.
easyJet passengers raise £10m for UNICEF
24th October 2017 - easyJet, the UK’s leading airline, has announced that its passengers have raised over £10m for UNICEF through its summer and winter onboard collections. The milestone figure is announced to coincide with World Polio Day
At current rates of reduction, it will take over 100 years to end child marriage in West and Central Africa
23 October 2017 – Unless progress is seriously accelerated, it will take over 100 years to end child marriage in West and Central Africa, with far-reaching, life-altering consequences for millions of child brides and crippling impact on the region’s prosperity, UNICEF said today.
Two months since outbreak of violence in Myanmar, Rohingya refugee children still at acute risk without basic services
23 October 2017 - Nearly two months since Rohingya families began fleeing en masse to Bangladesh, thousands of children and women are still without basic lifesaving services, UNICEF said today.
Violence in Myanmar driving up to 12,000 Rohingya refugee children into Bangladesh every week – UNICEF
20 October 2017 - Desperate living conditions and waterborne diseases are threatening more than 320,000 Rohingya refugee children who have fled to southern Bangladesh since late August, including some 10,000 who crossed from Myanmar over the past few days, UNICEF said today.
7,000 newborns die every day, new report says
19 October 2017 - Every day in 2016, 15,000 children died before their fifth birthday, 46 per cent of them – or 7,000 babies – died in the first 28 days of life, according to a new UN report.
South Sudan Conflict: 5,000 children reunited with family by UNICEF, Save the Children and partners
18 October 2017 – Since conflict broke out in South Sudan in 2013, UNICEF, Save the Children and partners have successfully reunited more than 5,000 children with their families.
Endless violence shutters schools, teachers unpaid for a year, threatening education for 4.5 million children in Yemen
18 October 2017 - Geert Cappelaere, UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa said: “More than two and a half years of renewed conflict in Yemen have once again put the education of 4.5 million children on the line, adding to the long list of bitter hardships that children have endured.
Geneva Palais briefing note – Unicef Rohingya refugee funding
17 October 2017 - Without immediate additional funding, UNICEF will not be able to continue providing lifesaving aid and protection to Rohingya children who have fled horrific violence in Myanmar for refuge in Bangladesh.
Muzoon Almellehan returns to Jordan to meet Syrian refugees striving to get an education
16 October 2017 – UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Muzoon Almellehan travelled to Jordan to meet children who, like her, fled the Syria conflict and are now determined to go to school despite extremely challenging circumstances. It was the first time Muzoon had returned to the country – where she spent three years in refugee camps, before being resettled in the United Kingdom with her family in 2015.
Violence in al-Mayadin district, Deir ez-Zor, reportedly destroys cold room and vaccines
12 October 2017 – “UNICEF has received reports that ongoing violence in Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria has destroyed a UNICEF-supported vaccine cold room in al-Mayadin district, with at least 140,000 doses of vaccines lost, including some planned for use in tackling vaccine-preventable childhood diseases in the area.
Joint UN Statement on the Rohingya Crisis
4 October 2017 - We leave Bangladesh moved by the stories of suffering that we heard from refugees fleeing the violence in Myanmar – and all the more determined that the United Nations do all it can to assist the Government of Bangladesh in coping with this crisis.
UNICEF setting up hundreds of new learning centres for Rohingya refugee children
29 September 2017 - UNICEF announced today that it is planning to establish more than 1,300 new learning centres for Rohingya children who have fled Myanmar to neighbouring Bangladesh.
More than half of all schools remain closed in Borno State, epicentre of the Boko Haram crisis in northeast Nigeria
29 September 2017 – The crisis caused by the Boko Haram insurgency in northeast Nigeria means that over 57 per cent of schools in Borno, the worst-hit state, are closed, even as the new school year begins.
Investment in children should be at the core of Mexico’s reconstruction efforts after devastating earthquakes – Unicef
29 September 2017 – Unicef called today for children to be at the heart of public and private investment in reconstruction efforts following the devastating earthquakes of 7 and 19 September.
Unicef emergency supplies for Rohingya refugee children arrive in Bangladesh
24 September 2017 - A consignment of Unicef emergency supplies for hundreds of thousands of refugee Rohingya children and their families has arrived in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka.
Education at risk for thousands of children after successive earthquakes in Mexico – Unicef
23 September 2017 – Nearly 5,100 schools have been damaged or destroyed in Mexico following two powerful earthquakes that struck less than two weeks apart, threatening access to education for thousands of children
UNICEF intensifies efforts after second earthquake in Mexico
21 September 2017 - UNICEF has stepped up its efforts to support children following the second earthquake to hit the country in two weeks.
Only 15 countries worldwide have three essential national policies that support families with young children – UNICEF
21 September 2017 – Only 15 countries worldwide have three basic national policies that help guarantee the time and resources parents need to support their young children’s healthy brain development, UNICEF said today in a new report. Worse, 32 countries – home to one in eight of the world’s children under five – have none of these policies in place.
DR Congo: Children’s access to education under threat from ongoing violence in Kasai region
15 September 2017 - A large campaign to get 150,000 primary school-aged children back to the classroom has kicked off in the volatile Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) following months of clashes between militias and security forces that have displaced thousands of families and left 850,000 children without access to essential services like education and healthcare.