Press releases
3 Million Children Born Into War In Yemen
16 January 2018 – More than 3 million children were born in Yemen since the escalation in violence in March 2015 according to a Unicef report.
A bloody start to a new year in Syria: Over 30 children killed in the first two weeks of 2018
14 January 2018 – "At a time when most parents are filled with new year’s hope for their children’s future, mothers and fathers in Syria are left grieving for the children they have lost."
WHO, WFP and UNICEF: Yemen’s families cannot withstand another day of war, let alone another 1,000
29 December 2017 – "We have passed the grim milestone of 1,000 days of war in Yemen. As violence has escalated in recent days, children and families are yet again being killed in attacks and bombardments."
Children under attack at shocking scale in conflicts around the world, says Unicef
28 December 2017 – Children in conflict zones around the world have come under attack at a shocking scale throughout the year.
220,000 children threatened by mines and other explosive weapons in eastern Ukraine – UNICEF
21 December 2017 - Eastern Ukraine is now one of the most mine-contaminated places on earth, endangering 220,000 children who live, play and go to and from school in areas littered with landmines, unexploded ordnance and other deadly explosive remnants of war
UNICEF airlifts nearly 6 million doses of vaccines for children in Yemen amid intensifying violence and import restrictions
20 December 2017 – A UNICEF-chartered plane landed today in Sana’a and delivered nearly 6 million doses of essential vaccines to protect millions of children at risk of preventable diseases, including the current diphtheria outbreak that has reportedly infected over 300 people and killed 35. Most diphtheria cases and deaths are in children.
Deepening water crisis in Yemen amid severe fuel shortages
19 December, 2017 – Recent restrictions on imports of fuel to Yemen have sparked critical shortages and price hikes across the country, severely impacting access to safe water and other vital services for children including health care and sanitation. The cuts are the latest challenge to containing Yemen’s acute watery diarrhea and cholera outbreak. Yemen has for decades struggled with extreme water scarcity.
Bangladesh moves to protect Rohingya children from diphtheria
12 December 2017 — The Government of Bangladesh, with the support of UNICEF, the World Health Organization and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, today launched a vaccination campaign against diphtheria and other preventable diseases for all Rohingya children aged 6 weeks to 6 years living in 12 camps and temporary settlements near the Myanmar border.
At least 400,000 severely malnourished children at risk of dying in DR Congo’s volatile Kasai region
12 December 2017 - At least 400,000 children under five in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo are suffering from severe acute malnutrition and could die in 2018 if they are not urgently reached with lifesaving health and nutrition interventions
UNICEF: Make the digital world safer for children
11 December 2017 – Despite children’s massive online presence – 1 in 3 internet users worldwide is a child – too little is done to protect them from the perils of the digital world and to increase their access to safe online content, UNICEF said in its annual flagship report released today.
Intense violence in Syria’s East Ghouta shutters schools, deprives children of medical care
10 December 2017 – Continuing violence across East Ghouta, some 10km outside the Syrian capital, Damascus, has reportedly led to the closure of most schools in the area over the past month and stranded scores of children in need of medical evacuation.
17 million babies under the age of 1 breathe toxic air, majority live in South Asia – UNICEF
6 December 2017 – Almost 17 million babies under the age of one live in areas where air pollution is at least six times higher than international limits, causing them to breathe toxic air and potentially putting their brain development at risk, according to a new UNICEF paper released today.
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador David Beckham makes surprise visit to London school to mark World Children’s Day
20 November 2017 – Today, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador David Beckham made a surprise visit to Kentish Town C of E Primary School in London to celebrate World Children’s Day.
Despite progress, 180 million children face bleaker prospects than their parents – UNICEF
20 November 2017 - Despite global progress, 1 in 12 children worldwide live in countries where their prospects today are worse than those of their parents, according to a UNICEF analysis conducted for World Children’s Day.
UK children less likely to trust those in power to make good decisions – UNICEF
20 November 2017 - Children in the UK feel more disenfranchised than their peers worldwide and are less likely to trust those in power to make good decisions for children, according to new research published by UNICEF to mark World Children’s Day.
Bangladesh steps up vaccination for new Rohingya arrivals as measles cases rise
10 November 2017 – An increase in the number of suspected measles cases among the newly arrived Rohingya and their host communities in southern Bangladesh has prompted the Government and UN partners to step up immunization efforts in overcrowded camps and makeshift shelters close to the border with Myanmar.
Malnutrition rates among Rohingya refugee children in Bangladesh appear to be at least double earlier estimates
3 November 2017 – Preliminary data from a nutrition assessment conducted last week at Kutupalong refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, shows a 7.5 per cent prevalence of life-threatening severe acute malnutrition – a rate double that seen among Rohingya child refugees in May 2017, UNICEF said today.
Statement on Attacks Against Children in Syria
31 October 2017 - “In the past 48 hours, we have received shocking reports and photos of more attacks on children and education facilities in the besieged area of Eastern Ghouta in Rural Damascus.
1.5 million vulnerable children in the Middle East threatened as winter approaches
26 October 2017 – The coming winter is the latest threat to children affected by crises in the Middle East.
Dividend or Disaster: UNICEF’s new report into population growth in Africa
26 October 2017 – The projected expansion in Africa’s child population will necessitate an increase of more than 11 million skilled education and health personnel by 2030, if it is to keep pace with the continent’s unprecedented demographic transition, UNICEF said today.