Press releases

Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore following three-day visit to Mexico

21 June 2019 – “Some 15,500 migrant children and young people were registered by the Mexican migration authorities in the first four months of the year, or 130 a day, according to the latest estimates from the National Migration Institute.

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Anglophone crisis in Cameroon causes closure of 80 per cent of schools in the region, denying more than 600,000 children access to education

21 June 2019- Some 1.3 million people, including around 650,000 children, are now in need of some form of humanitarian assistance in the North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon, as the security situation and living conditions continue to deteriorate.

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EU Commits £16 million to strengthen resilience for Rohingya and Bangladeshi communities

20 June 2019- In a major support for Cox’s Bazar district, the European Union has announced €18 million in funding to help improve resilience among Rohingya refugees and Bangladeshi host communities.

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Unicef UK calls on the international community to support vulnerable refugee children

19 June 2018- Unicef UK responds to UNHCR Global Trends Report which found that 70.8 million children, women and men were forcibly displaced at the close of 2018.

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UNICEF condemns use of children as human bombs in north-east Nigeria

17 June 2019 - According to several reports, three children - two girls and a boy (ages unknown) – were used to detonate explosives that killed 30 people and injured 40 others at a community football viewing centre in Konduga, Borno today. UNICEF sends its condolences to all those who have been killed or injured in this horrific incident.

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1 in 3 people globally do not have access to safe drinking water – UNICEF, WHO

18 JUNE 2019– Billions of people around the world are continuing to suffer from poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene, according to a new report by UNICEF and the World Health Organization.

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One woman and six newborns die every two hours from complications during pregnancy or childbirth in Yemen

14 June 2019 – One woman and six newborns die every two hours in Yemen from complications during pregnancy or childbirth, UNICEF said today in the first of a series of short snapshots on maternal and newborn health Yemen.

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Record number of people facing critical lack of food in South Sudan

14 June 2019- The number of people facing a critical lack of food in South Sudan is the highest ever, three United Nations agencies warned today.

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UNICEF launches swift response as first Ebola cases and deaths confirmed in Uganda

13 June 2019 – UNICEF has launched an emergency Ebola response plan in Uganda following the confirmation of the first three cases of the Ebola Virus Disease in the country over the past two days.

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Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Estonia and Portugal rank highest for family-friendly policies in OECD and EU countries

13 June 2019 – Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Estonia and Portugal offer the best family-friendly policies among 31 rich countries with available data, according to a new UNICEF report. Switzerland, Greece, Cyprus, United Kingdom and Ireland rank the lowest.

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London, wednesday 12 June - Soccer Aid for Unicef players including Usain Bolt, Niall Horan, Jamie Redknapp and Sir Mo Farah joined more than 250 guests for a star-studded gala tonight at the Science Museum in South Kensington, raising a staggering £425,000 to support Unicef’s vital work protecting children in danger around the world.

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Children killed, injured, detained and abused amid escalating violence and unrest in Sudan

At least 19 children have reportedly been killed in Sudan and another 49 have been injured since June 3rd.

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UNICEF provided life-saving support to children in almost 300 emergencies in 2018

10 June 2019 -  In 2018, UNICEF responded to 285 humanitarian emergencies in 90 countries around the world, providing vital life-saving support to millions of children.

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UNICEF ramps up its humanitarian assistance to children in Venezuela, delivers 55 tons of health supplies since January

7 June 2019 – Fifty-five tons of UNICEF health supplies have reached Venezuela since the beginning of the year, the United Nations children’s organization said today.

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115 million boys and men around the world married as children - UNICEF

7 June 2019 – An estimated 115 million boys and men around the world were married as children, UNICEF said today in its first ever in-depth analysis of child grooms. Of these, 1 in 5 children, or 23 million, were married before the age of 15.

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World not delivering quality maternal health care to poorest mothers

3 June 2019 –  More than 5 million families across Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean spend over 40 per cent of their non-food household expenses on maternal health services every year, UNICEF said today in a new analysis on maternal health.

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Unicef UK urges the international community to eliminate gender inequality to ensure better quality healthcare for women and girls

As The Lancet launches its new Series on Gender Equality, Norms and Health, which finds that governments and health institutions have persistently failed to make progress towards gender equality, UNICEF is calling on the international community to work together to eliminate gender inequality.

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UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom visits children displaced by Cyclone Idai in Mozambique

30 May 2019 – UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom visited Mozambique this week, where 1.1 million children remain in urgent need of humanitarian assistance in the aftermath of tropical cyclones Idai and Kenneth.

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Tens of thousands of children in grave danger as violence escalates in northwest Syria

30 May 2019 – “Tens of thousands of children in northwest Syria are at imminent risk of injury, death and displacement because of a significant escalation in fighting. Violence has intensified over the past few days, especially in villages in northern Hama and southern Idlib. 

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