Press releases

40 million children miss out on early education in critical pre-school year due to Coronavirus

t least 40 million children worldwide have missed out on early childhood education in their critical pre-school year as Coronavirus shuttered childcare and early education facilities, according to a new research brief published today by UNICEF.

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WHO and UNICEF warn of alarming decline in vaccinations worldwide during Coronavirus pandemic

15 July 2020 – The World Health Organization and UNICEF warned today of an alarming decline in the number of children receiving lifesaving vaccines.

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As more go hungry and malnutrition persists, achieving Zero Hunger by 2030 in doubt, UN report warns

13 July 2020 – More people are going hungry, an annual study by the United Nations has found. Tens of millions have joined the ranks of the chronically undernourished over the past five years, and countries around the world continue to struggle with multiple forms of malnutrition.

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"Children, parents and teachers must be consulted," UNICEF UK says ahead of Government announcement on budget and recovery plan

"...learning will have been affected by the lockdown, so too will children’s social and emotional wellbeing. Therefore it is critical for schools to have the resources they need to go beyond making up for lost learning to create environments where children can thrive, and can deliver the Government’s ambition to ensure every child receives a “world-class education”. It is also important children, parents and teachers are consulted as part of recovery planning to ensure decisions are made in the best interest of children."

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Not just numbers: Syrian families identify their needs and concerns as war enters tenth year

30 June 2020 - New survey asked Syrian people about the greatest challenges and concerns they and their children face nearly a decade since the war began.

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Despite disruptions, UNICEF delivers critical life-saving supplies to over 100 countries in response to the Coronavirus pandemic

So far this year, UNICEF has shipped key personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies to over 100 countries to support their response to the pandemic, including 7.5 million surgical masks, 2.8 million N95 respirators, nearly 10 million gloves, over 830,000 gowns, and nearly 600,000 face shields. UNICEF also shipped over 550,000 diagnostic tests, with an additional 912,000 planned to be delivered through August and is sending over 16,000 oxygen concentrators to 90 low- and middle-income countries.

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Yemeni children face deadly hunger and aid shortages as Coronavirus pandemic spreads

26 June 2020 - Millions of children in Yemen could be pushed to ‘the brink of starvation’ due to huge shortfalls in humanitarian aid funding amid the Coronavirus pandemic – according to a new UNICEF report marking more than five years since conflict escalated in the country.

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End of 23 month-long Ebola outbreak in eastern Democatic Republic of Congo

UNICEF welcomes the announcement by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)  of the end of the 23-month long Ebola outbreak in the east of the country, but warned that increased efforts must continue in response to a new outbreak in the north-western province of Equateur.

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UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore's remarks at the UN Security Council Open Debate on Children and Armed Conflict

23 June 2020 - A summary of remarks by Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director at Security Council Open Debate at the United Nations in New York.

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Urgent action needed to safeguard futures of 600 million South Asian children threatened by Coronavirus.

23 June 2020 – The Coronavirus pandemic is unravelling decades of health, education and other advances for children across South Asia.

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UNICEF airlifts COVID-19 testing kits to Yemen to boost response as cases soar

18 June 2020— A first batch of 10,000 COVID-19 tests arrived in Sana’a on a UNICEF-chartered plane today, to increase the COVID-19 testing capacity amid the rapid increase of cases in Yemen.

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Countries failing to prevent violence against children, agencies warn

18th June 2020 - Half of the world’s children, or approximately 1 billion children each year are affected by physical, sexual or psychological violence, suffering injuries, disabilities and death, because countries have failed to follow established strategies to protect them.

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Universal child benefits critical in reducing poverty, new ODI and UNICEF report finds

Universal child benefits are critical in the fight against child poverty, yet nearly 9 in 10 countries worldwide do not provide universal child or family benefit schemes, according to a new report published today by the Overseas Development Institute and UNICEF.  

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WORLD FIRST: Pelé, Maradona, and Ronaldinho form dream strike-force in Soccer Aid World XI FC FIFA 20 team with Robbie Williams set to help support Unicef coronavirus response

This is the first time ever that Maradona, Pelé and Ronaldinho will be playable from the start, in the same side, without the need for transfers.

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An additional 51,000 children under the age of five might die in the Middle East and North Africa by end of 2020 due to COVID-19’s disruption in primary health care

15 June 2020 – Statement from Ted Chaiban, UNICEF Regional Director in the Middle East and North Africa and Dr. Ahmed Al-Mandhari, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Region.

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Geneva Palais briefing note on the humanitarian situation of children in Yemen

12 June 2020 – “In Yemen, humanitarian needs have never been more acute, or funding more constrained. “As of today, UNICEF’s US$479 million appeal to sustain essential basic services for children this year is just 38 per cent funded."

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Reaction statement to DfE weekly report on attendance in education and early years settings during the coronavirus outbreak. Joanna Rea, Director of Advocacy at Unicef UK says:

"It is also crucial that the Government continues to support children’s home education, particularly in relation to digital connectivity, by redoubling efforts to ensure all children are learning while at home. We urge the Government to continue to act to protect children from the impact of the pandemic and ensure it does not cast a long shadow on their futures"

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Unequal access to remote schooling amid Coronavirus threatens to deepen global learning crisis

5 June 2020 – As nearly 1.2 billion schoolchildren remain affected by school closures and as they grapple with the realities of remote learning in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, UNICEF warns inherent inequalities in access to tools and technology threaten to deepen the global learning crisis.

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