Martin's Message
from lockdown

Martin shares his reflections during lockdown

Former BBC war correspondent and independent MP, Martin Bell has been a UNICEF UK Goodwill Ambassador for over 19 years.

Despite lockdown, Martin continues to support our work and has taken the time to record a special message to our supporters. Martin gives an insight into what life in lockdown is for him, shares his reflections at this time and provides a quick update on UNICEF’s work for Coronavirus.

Take a minute to watch Martin’s video.

Martin’s relationship with the Gifts in Wills Team

Martin has been an incredible supporter of UNICEF UK’s work for children. He has seen first-hand the work we deliver around the world for those dealing with crisis situations; from natural disaster or conflict.

Over the years, Martin has taken time to work directly with the Gift in Wills Team. Last year, Martin made a guest appearance at our annual Gift in Wills Summer Garden Party event.  The Summer Garden Party is held to thank our supporters and inform them about the work UNICEF is doing.

Martin talked about his experience of meeting children living in war zones and the importance of gifts made in wills. He talked of how they allow us to support and protect children who face crisis in the future.

You can read more about Martin Bell as a UNICEF UK Goodwill Ambassador here.


Protecting children through gifts made in a will

Martin understands how incredibly important a gift made in a will is; they ensure we have funds in the future to protect children when they need us. Gifts provided as flexible funds are especially important when crisis strikes as it means we can divert funds quickly, to where they are needed most.

If you would like to consider supporting children in the future and want to find out more about leaving a gift in your will, you can request a copy of our Gift in Wills guide here.


You can leave a lasting legacy for children.
Get our free Gifts in Wills Guide.

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