A young girl receives a hat, scarf and gloves in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Unicef 2015 Georgiev

accept donations
of winter clothes?

Home > Does UNICEF accept donations of used winter clothes?

Winter’s here. How can I help?

We’re asked this question a lot.

We always appreciate the kind offers to donate warm blankets, clothing, food, or medication, though unfortunately we have to turn them down. It’s not easy to do, especially when we’ve been offered some beautiful knitted hats! But we’d like to share our reasoning behind this, which we hope will make UNICEF’s work a bit clearer.

We have a global supply warehouse in Copenhagen, which packs and distributes goods. These are used where they’re most needed by our offices in 150 countries around the world. Our warehouse stocks over 850 items, which include everything from education kits to maternity beds.


Our winter response for children


This winter alone, we plan to provide cosy blankets and warm winter clothing for over a million Syrian children and their families.

Keeping children warm as temperatures drop

This winter alone, we’re planning to reach over a million children and families with cosy thermal blankets and winter clothing kits containing hats, gloves, scarves, shoes and socks. We’re also heating schools, supplying children with school uniforms, running mobile health facilities and delivering vaccines, and providing families with cash assistance so that they can buy the most essential supplies for their families.

Sourcing warm clothes locally

Whenever possible, we’ll try to procure items locally. In Syria, for example, clothing kits are often produced by local partners, which supports the local economy and saves money.

“Sourcing the clothing locally is faster and more cost-effective,” says UNICEF Syria’s Eltayeb Adam. “Savings on transportation and warehousing ensure a cost reduction along with timely delivery of the kits by eliminating several layers of the supply chain.”


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Other ways you can help

Although, the most cost-efficient way to support Syrian children this winter is by making a donation, it’s certainly not the only way you can help.

If you have clothes or toys to give away, why not organise a fundraising clothes swap to raise money for UNICEF? Alternatively, you could sell unwanted clothes on eBay and donate a percentage of your sale to our work.

If you’d like to make your Christmas shopping count for more this year, visit our online shop for alternative gifts, including a set of warm winter clothing for a Syrian child.

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