We work with small and medium sized businesses to make the world a better place for children
As a company everything you do is linked to children, whether it’s the children of your employees, children who are involved in the services that you provide, or even the children who buy your products.
For over fifty years we have partnered with companies who share our vision of a world fit for every child. We are now looking for small and medium sized businesses based in the UK who want to support us in achieving change for every child no matter where they are.
Make a positive difference
With offices in more than 190 countries across the globe, UNICEF is the world’s leading children’s organisation and are committed to upholding the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and advocate for all children, everywhere.
Demonstrate your company’s commitment to social responsibility
We offer members of the UNICEF UK Business Network an exciting package of benefits, including employee engagement and fundraising activities, access to UN training, official UNICEF UK recognition and the opportunity to be featured here on our webpage.
If you would like to find out more about how you can join the UNICEF UK Business Network contact our team: [email protected]
Support our Children’s Emergency Fund or Core Resources for Results
Frobishers Juices are the first members of the UNICEF UK Business Network. Founder Mike Dowdeswell and Managing Director David Pearce share why Frobishers Juices support UNICEF UK.
‘As a local medium size business, we understand the importance of looking beyond our immediate reach. We believe it is our responsibility to help protect our planet and its resources for future generations.
Having joined the UNICEF UK Business Network, we’re able to support a cause that truly matters, contributing to a brighter future for children in some of the world’s most challenging circumstances.
Our donation to UNICEF is a core part of our corporate social responsibility efforts, creating lasting change for children on both a local and global level, and as UNICEF are a UN agency and a respected children’s organisation, we can be sure our donations are used to the best effect, contributing to long-term, scalable, and sustainable solutions.
Our support of UNICEF, a world-renowned organisation dedicated to children’s welfare, represents our commitment to making a difference that reaches far beyond our own boundaries. We’re no longer just a local business; we’re part of a global movement striving for a better future for all children.’
Our members

We will provide you with reporting on the impact of your donation so you can be confident that your donation is making a real difference.
We offer you a competitive package of benefits which will help your employees get engaged with the work of UNICEF, show the world that you support UNICEF and you will have the opportunity to network with like-minded businesses who are committed to supporting children around the world.
The network is for any Small or Medium sized businesses operating in the UK that has a revenue of less than £50m a year.
We have different membership options for our supporters starting from as little as £6,000 a year.