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Why we’re working together

EA SPORTS FC FUTURES and UNICEF are using the power of football to create long-lasting change in Namibia.

Building on EA SPORTS’ support of Soccer Aid for UNICEF since 2019, EA SPORTS FC FUTURES partnered with UNICEF in May 2024 to launch Namibia Futures, supporting 46,000 adolescents in Namibia to build better futures through new football for development and STEM opportunities.

What we’re doing

Latest data shows that half of all children in Namibia face multi-dimensional poverty, which reduces social mobility opportunities and increases risk of exploitation and abuse.

This widespread poverty means that many girls are unable to complete their education. Girls who do complete school, report not gaining the skills they need to succeed in the modern world of work.

UNICEF works across Namibia and provides coaching and vocational training to adolescent girls, presenting an opportunity to step change their futures.

Thanks to Namibia Futures, UNICEF will now reach a further 46,000 young women in Namibia, supporting them through football and games-based vocational training to achieve their potential on and off the pitch.

  • On the pitch, girls will receive coaching through football training, to develop teamwork, communication and leadership, amongst other life-skills.
  • Off the pitch, our partnership will reach more than 10,000 girls with initiatives including interactive STEM education through games-based learning, digital learning and mentorship by female role models.

UNICEF is also working with partners in neighbouring Lesotho, Botswana and Eswatini to share learnings from this programme and support more young women in the region.

What we will achieve:


children engaged through Sport for Development programmes


children engaged through Skills for Girls and related activities

Over 2,000

schools reached with Sports for Development activities through a new School Sports Policy


Learning Hub established to inspire 3 neighbouring countries, Botswana, Lesotho and Eswatini to pursue Skills for Girls programmes

“We’re thrilled to expand the partnership between our two organizations, following over five years of successful collaboration between EA SPORTS and Soccer Aid for UNICEF... Through this program, we hope to meaningfully impact many young lives in Namibia, using the power of football and our EA SPORTS FC platform.”
Andrea Hopelain, GM & SVP of Publishing, EA SPORTS