Emma Bunton, Unicef UK Ambassador with Tania Rasoniaina (1 year old) and Natacha Rasoniaina (4) at the Ankadinandriana Health Center. Pampers and UNICEF '1 pack = 1 vaccine' campaign to support the fight against Maternal & Newborn Tetanus. Ankadinandriana, Madagascar. 25th July 2014. Picture by Jordi Matas

Emma Bunton

UNICEF UK Ambassador

Home > Our Celebrity Supporters > Emma Bunton, UNICEF UK Ambassador

“It’s been amazing to spend time with the children and to see how engaged and passionate they are learning about their rights. It’s something all children deserve and it’s so important that we as parents, caregivers and teachers encourage and support these fundamental rights.”

Former Spice Girl Emma Bunton reflects on her visit to a UNICEF Rights Respecting School.

During her visit, Emma was given a tour of the school by three Rights Respecting representatives who shared some of the ways they learn about their rights and ensure they are upheld throughout the school. This included a map which promotes respect for all, regardless of where they or their family are from. This links to Article 2 of the convention, ‘non-discrimination’, which states that the convention applies to every child, “whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background.”

Emma’s time with UNICEF UK

Emma has supported UNICEF UK since 2013 and became an Ambassador in 2014. She continues to fundraise and advocate for UNICEF’s work for children worldwide.

2019 – Emma visits a UNICEF Rights Respecting School

2014 – Emma visited Madagascar to see first-hand the impact the Pampers UNICEF UK partnership is having on the lives of mums and babies. Madagascar is just one of the 15 countries where together we have achieved this and the lives of mums and babies are being transformed.

2013 – Emma supported a Mother’s Day campaign aimed at ending child malnutrition and UNICEF UK’s Giant Sleepover event in 2013 when she surprised a group of Brownies from Scotland by turning up at their Giant Sleepover at Top Trump Towers in London. She spent the evening playing games, reading the girls a bed time story and singing along to One Direction!

In the same year she helped launch the Pampers and UNICEF UK ‘Every Parent’s Dream’ campaign. Since 2006, the partnership has helped to eliminate maternal and newborn tetanus in ten of the world’s poorest countries through the ‘1 pack = 1 Vaccine’ campaign. Emma was a brilliant spokesperson for the campaign, encouraging parents to buy Pampers products in return for life-saving tetanus vaccines to help protect mothers and their babies.