
Qualifications Framework Programme

Becoming a Qualified Leader

Leaders are those coordinating or leading on infant feeding and/or the implementation of the Baby Friendly standards in public services.

Leaders are the staff who project manage infant feeding services and/or Baby Friendly on a day-to-day basis, including those who provide specialist services. This qualification level is also available to participants who are not currently in a lead role, but who are interested in career progression. In this case, they would need to demonstrate that they have proactively sought experience in assisting the lead with strategic coordination, and thus would be capable of achieving the requirements outlined for the leadership qualification.


For a closer look at the Qualifications Framework Programme, listen to a podcast developed by members of the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative and the Qualifications Framework Board, featuring our newly Qualified Leaders, Sally Goodwin-Mills BFIqL and Donna Mary Butler BFIqL.

Listen to “Celebrating success the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative Qualifications” on Spreaker.

I thought it was excellent. The Vision Statements captured all elements of practice and allowed me to stand back and see the bigger picture. It pushed me to explore certain things that I don’t do very often and gave me the confidence to move forward.

Because of the experience gained with the Qualifications Programme, I approach things now differently.
Qualified Leader, 2020 Cohort


Qualifications Framework Programme

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