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Infant feeding care during Covid-19

Research from the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative

Home > Baby Friendly News and Research > Research > Research on Coronavirus > Baby Friendly research: Infant feeding care during Covid-19

As health professionals across the UK continue to navigate challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, the Baby Friendly Initiative conducted a series of surveys in order to better understand how infant feeding provision has been affected.

These reports relay initial findings from three surveys conducted via the National Infant Feeding Network (NIFN) across 2020 and 2021 and share insights into the changes experienced by maternity, neonatal and community services throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Download the new 2021 report for a look at our most recent findings.

Additional resources 

For a selection of recent research on the ongoing coronavirus crisis, view our dedicated Covid-19 research pageGuidance and resources for health professionals during the pandemic can be found here.

Resources for health professionals during Covid-19