In this case study we explore the innovations and insights adopted by The Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Neonatal Unit in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Download the case study linked on this page to learn more about The Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Neonatal Unit’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic and how their quick adoption of evidence-based policies and procedures enabled minimal separation of babies, their mothers and families.
You will learn how the unit overcame staffing shortages, communication challenges and low staff morale, as well as how key innovations were introduced including a new electronic record system and the development of a ‘hot area’ to enable Covid-positive parents and babies to isolate together.
Read more by downloading the case study on this page (PDF download).
Our unit was certainly not immune to the difficulties and new challenges imposed by Covid-19 policies. But we embraced these and did everything we could in the interest of the babies and parents under our care. Looking back, it is phenomenal what we have achieved. We feel very proud. Covid has been tough on everyone. It’s nice if we can help in any way we can to make the whole family’s neonatal journey a positive one.
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The 2020-2021 UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Infant feeding care during Covid-19 reports offer a detailed look at how infant feeding provision has been affected in the UK as a result of the pandemic based on findings from three surveys conducted via the National Infant Feeding Network (NIFN).