Updated in 2022 with important new messaging on sleep safety, this leaflet offers helpful, practical advice to parents on looking after their sleeping baby both during the day and at night.
Caring for Your Baby at Night and When Sleeping covers a range of topics, including getting some rest, night feeding, safe sleeping environments and helping baby to settle. It is endorsed by the Lullaby Trust, the Baby Sleep Info Source (BASIS), the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and the Institute of Health Visiting (iHV).
Printed copies are available for £16 per pack (1-9 packs) or £12 per pack (10 or more packs). There are 50 leaflets per pack and this price includes P&P within UK. Order using the Baby Friendly Resources order form, which you can download from our Resources page.
Please note: Orders for UK delivery only, and include postage and packaging costs. Orders may take up to 7 working days to process. The Baby Friendly Initiative reserve the right to re-print items at any time. If you are looking to order audit tools or e-learning please use our digital resources order form.
Caring For Your Baby at Night and When Sleeping: A guide for health professionals
Our accompanying guide supports health professionals who will be using Caring for Your Baby at Night and When Sleeping with new parents. It looks at the evidence underpinning the recommendations in the leaflet and offers guidance on discussing these issues.
An updated version of the health professional’s guide will be made available soon.
Further resources
The Baby Sleep Information Source (Basis) is an informational source for parents who wish to make informed choices about their infant’s sleep and night time care, and is the result of a collaboration between the Durham University Parent-Infant Sleep Lab, La Leche League, NCT, and the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative.
We have also collaborated with The Lullaby Trust, Public Health England, and Basis to create a range of resources for parents and health professionals, with accessible guidance on safer sleep practices. The following are available to download and buy on The Lullaby Trust website.
- Safer Sleep for Babies: A Guide for Parents
- Safer Sleep for Babies: Saving Babies’ Lives – A Guide for Professionals
- Safer Sleep for Babies: Quick Reference Card
Public Health Wales have produced a version of the Caring for your baby at night leaflet in Welsh, which is free to download.