A mother smiles as she holds her twins born premature in skin-to-skin contact on the neonatal unit.

Implementing Baby Friendly standards resources

Home > Baby Friendly Resources > Implementing Baby Friendly standards resources

These resources provide guidance for health professionals on implementing the Baby Friendly standards.


Guides to the standards

Guide to the Baby Friendly Standards

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Achieving Sustainability: Standards and Guidance

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Neonatal unit guidance: implementing the standards

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Hospital-based children's services standards

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Children's centre guidance: Implementing the Standards

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University Guidance: Implementing the Standards

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Breastfeeding and relationship building workbook

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Tools, forms and elearning

Assessment of breastmilk expression checklist

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Implementing particular standards

Guidance for antenatal and postnatal conversations

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Working within the Code: Health professionals' guide

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Guidance on writing a training curriculum

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Baby Friendly pages for the PCHR (Red Book)

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Joint neonatal projects infosheet

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