Breastfeeding and relationship building workbook

Home > Baby Friendly Resources > Breastfeeding resources > Breastfeeding and relationship building workbook

This workbook supports health professionals to improve care for babies, their mothers and families with a focus on breastfeeding and relationship building.

The workbook accompanies the Baby Friendly courses on breastfeeding and relationship building and is designed to support services to implement the Baby Friendly standards into everyday practice.

The workbook can also be purchased to give out on in-house training courses. It includes information on the importance of establishing early mother-baby relationships, as well as on how breastfeeding works and how best to support mothers and babies to breastfeed successfully for as long as they wish.

Price: £17 each (1 – 9 copies) or £11 each (10 or more copies) and this price includes P&P within UK. Order using the Baby Friendly Resources order form, which you can download from our Resources page.

Orders for UK delivery only, and include postage and packaging costs. Orders may take up to 7 working days to process. The Baby Friendly Initiative reserve the right to re-print items at any time. If you are looking to order audit tools or e-learning, please use our digital resources order form.

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