A pregnant mother-to-be reads a resource by the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative.

Guide to the Baby Friendly Standards

The Guide to the Standards supports you through the staged Baby Friendly accreditation programme for maternity, neonatal, community, and hospital-based children’s services.

Following the consultation and review of the Baby Friendly standards for health visiting and children’s centre services (or equivalent) in 2023, the revised version of the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative Guide to the Standards is now available.

Please note: Whilst the standards for parents have been amended solely for health visiting and early years services, some of the foundation standards (assessed initially at Stage 1) have also been amended. This will therefore affect all services implementing the Baby Friendly standards (with the exception of universities). Learn more about the updates here

The Baby Friendly standards provide a roadmap for services to improve care. Through our staged accreditation programme, health professionals are enabled to support all mothers with feeding and to help parents to build a close and loving relationship with their baby.

Start your Baby Friendly journey here:

If you have any further questions please contact us at [email protected]

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Going Baby Friendly: Maternity, Neonatal, Health Visiting & Children's Centres

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Going Baby Friendly: Universities

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Achieving Sustainability: Health Services

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