In a four-part series for Alive and Thrive, UNICEF’s former legal specialist for 25 years, David Clark, discusses the history and future of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (the Code).
During David Clark’s tenure as Legal Specialist for UNICEF from 1995 to 2020, he was instrumental in assisting more than 60 countries draft legislation to implement the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent resolutions of the World Health Assembly (the Code). Enjoy this four part series and explore how we can participate as individuals to support and promote full implementation of the Code.
- PART 1: So much, so little: The Code has saved millions of infant lives but we need to do much more to eliminate the unethical and harmful marketing of breastmilk substitutes
- PART 2: After decades of advocacy, the Code provided new tools to protect breastfeeding, but its uneven implementation is a challenge
- PART 3: If we all play our parts, we can successfully protect breastfeeding
- PART 4: Protecting the health of babies, their mothers and all of us: The way forward