Unicef UK Ambassador Eddie Izzard visits Sree Shankheswori Primary School in Kabhrepalanchowk, Nepal. Following the devastating earthquakes of 2015, Shankheswori is one of 650 schools in the region that Unicef has helped by rebuilding damaged classrooms to ensure that children don’t miss out on their education. Unicef has also provided back-to-school kits with recreational and educational supplies, trained teachers to provide psycho-social support to traumatised pupils and taught them how to stay safe in the event of another earthquake. Kavrepalanchowk District, Nepal. 19th February 2017 © UNICEF/ Matas
Unicef UK Ambassador Eddie Izzard visits Sree Shankheswori Primary School in Kabhrepalanchowk, Nepal. Following the devastating earthquakes of 2015, Shankheswori is one of 650 schools in the region that Unicef has helped by rebuilding damaged classrooms to ensure that children don’t miss out on their education. Unicef has also provided back-to-school kits with recreational and educational supplies, trained teachers to provide psycho-social support to traumatised pupils and taught them how to stay safe in the event of another earthquake. Kavrepalanchowk District, Nepal. 19th February 2017 © UNICEF/ Matas

Suzy Eddie Izzard

UNICEF UK Ambassador

Home > Our Celebrity Supporters > Suzy Eddie Izzard, UNICEF UK Ambassador

British actor and comedian Suzy Eddie Izzard was born in Yemen and this has been a particular focus of her support since 2011.

In 2020, as part of her fundraising marathon challenge where she ran 28 marathons in 28 European countries, Suzy visited UNICEF UK’s supply division warehouse in Copenhagen – the largest humanitarian warehouse in the world.

Over the course of her marathon’s, Suzy raised £25,000 for UNICEF UK’s important work with refugee and migrant children in Turkey.

In January 2021, Suzy ran again – this time, running 31 marathons & performing 31 stand up gigs, in 31 countries (virtually), in 31 days… without ever leaving London. She was also joined by a number of UNICEF UK staff and supporters, for more information click  here

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In 2017 Suzy travelled to Nepal to see how the donations you made after two earthquakes struck the country in 2015, are continuing to have a positive impact. She visited one of the 650 schools that have been rebuilt thanks to UNICEF UK and learnt how teachers are being trained to prepare them for another disaster.

She also visited a shelter for trafficked women and children where she learnt how trafficking increases in emergencies like this. UNICEF UK prevented cases of trafficking through border interventions then provided support to help these children rebuild their lives through education, training and psychological support.

Maya* was just 14 when the devastating earthquake of 2015 hit, destroying her family home and severely disabling her father. Traffickers tried to exploit her vulnerability and take her to India, but she was intercepted at the border and taken to the rescue centre where she has lived for over a year. Maya* now receives training and does gardening for which she receives a monthly wage. With the support of the project, Maya* can now feel safe, secure, and rebuild her life. Following the devastating earthquakes of 2015, families, homes and livelihoods were destroyed and as a result Nepal saw a rise in young women and girls being trafficked and exploited. Unicef and partners worked closely with the police and government to intercept traffickers at borders and raise awareness within vulnerable communities to intercept and rescue women and children at risk of or who have suffered exploitation. Kathmandu, Nepal. 19th February 2017 © UNICEF/ Matas
Thanks to your donations, UNICEF UK has continued to work tirelessly to tackle this issue and others to create lasting, positive impact

So if you are ever wondering whether the money you donate for emergencies like these really does make a difference and go to something good, the answer is a resounding yes.

Suzy Eddie Izzard, UNICEF UK Ambassador

Help keep children safe when an emergency hits

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In July 2015, Suzy travelled to Djibouti to meet child refugees who have fled the devastating war in Yemen, the country of her birth.

On her visit, she met seven-year-old Jawaher and her family who braved the perilous boat journey across the Red Sea from Yemen to Djibouti.

“The harrowing stories for Yemenis, particularly those from Aden, the city of my birth, will stay with me forever,” said Suzy. “I have a responsibility to highlight the crisis to the world, and I hope I can persuade the UK public to heal the 10 million Yemeni children that are in danger right now.”

In 2013 she travelled to Iraq to report on the Syrian refugee crisis. She visited children and families living in the Domiz refugee camp and spoke out about the dangers that faced children there. We are one of the few agencies working inside Syria, as well as being there for refugee families in the surrounding countries like Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Egypt, reaching children and families with essential supplies including health, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene, education, and child protection.

Suzy continues to support our campaigning and fundraising work for children in danger around the world.

Watch: In our We Are Family film Suzy, alongside other supporters, personally reflects what makes family relationships so special.

Suzy also supported our Family Reunion Campaign to put pressure on the UK Government to change the rules that allow refugee children to reunite with their close family already living in the UK.

Suzy Eddie Izzard - who wants to be a millionaire
Suzy Eddie Izzard - who wants to be a millionaire
Suzy Eddie Izzard raises £125,000 for UNICEF by taking part in the Soccer Aid for UNICEF special of Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Suzy Eddie Izzard raises £125,000 for UNICEF by taking part in the Soccer Aid for UNICEF special of Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Jessie joins UNICEF UK High Profile Supporter Cel Spellman, UNICEF UK Ambassador Suzy Eddie Izzard and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Muzoon Almellehan at the UNICEF Christmas Concert in 2018 at Central Hall Westminster, London.
Suzy Eddie Izzard attends The Blue Moon Gala at Outernet London on Wednesday December 2021 to mark 75 years of UNICEF helping millions of children around the world to live, learn and grow. The money raised from the event event at Outernet London (a major new immersive media, music and culture district in the heart of London’s West End), was towards helping UNICEF continue its work for children around the world for the next 75 years, responding to emergencies whenever and wherever disaster strikes

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